The Firecom wireless ComHub™ is the cornerstone of a completely portable crew communication system. First responder applications include heavy rescue teams, watercraft rescue, disaster operations, separate on-scene crew communication, brush trucks, use by mutual aid responders, or any need for portable local crew communications as a backup or secondary system.
Housed in a rugged Pelican™ waterproof case, the battery-powered ComHub serves as a portable base station for up to twelve Firecom wireless headsets. Operating on the 1.9GHz DECT 6.0 standard (1.8GHz DECT in the EU), the system provides secure, interference-free, full-duplex communication with Firecom wireless headsets up to a 1,600-foot line-of-sight radius from the ComHub. For extended communication beyond the local area, the ComHub interfaces with virtually any portable or mobile radio using a Firecom radio interface cable. When connected to a radio, the ComHub supports push-to-talk communication through the radio from a properly configured Firecom wireless headset.